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Innovation Conference for Refractories Held in Beijing (Presentations Attached)

The Innovation Conference for refractory industry, which is jointly organized by the World Refractory Association (WRA) and the Association of China Refractory Industry (ACRI), was successfully held in Beijing, China, on 16th, November, involving in more than 130 companies from all over the world to participate and discuss about the future of refractory industry.

The conference focusing on the Future Trends in Refractories invited some of top experts in the industry and related companies to share innovative solutions. Mr. Luis Rodolfo Mariani Bittencourt, Chief Technology Officer of RHI Magnesita, Dr. Zhou Ningsheng from Henan University of Science and Technology, Mr. Yi Xianxun with Vesuvius Plc, Mr. Liu Baikuan, Chairman of Puyang Refractories Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Zhao Jizen, Chairman of Beijing Lirr High Temperature Materials Co., Ltd. and Dr. Huang Ao from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, respectively shared their experiences and views of point to the latest technological trends.

Since some topics and presentations have been highly valued by participants, hereby, we share some of presentations to download against the permission of related organisations only for study and exchanging of ideas. Please find attaced file at the end of this article and download with passward. 

Notice: In respect to technical patent protection, presentaions by RHI Magnesita and Wuhan University of Science and Technology have not been uploaded. Videos in the presentation by Vesuvius Pls have been displayed. Thanks for your understanding.

Attachment 1Presentations for Innovation Conference-